The Link Management Limited, together with its tenants from Lok Fu Market, launched the first event of The Link Happy Tenants WeCare Programme, which aims to promote the message of “Happy Living” to the people in the community. Over 20 elderly people from the Kowloon City Baptist Church Neighbourhood Centre visited Lok Fu Market on Saturday 22 November, enjoying the delicacies that had been specially prepared for them. They were also presented with goodie bags filled with gifts donated by retail tenants, sharing the love and happiness of the joyful season.
George Hongchoy, Chief Executive Officer of The Link Management Limited, joined the tasting, savouring the delicacies and sharing a few happy moments together with the elderly attendees. The Link Management Limited thanked its tenants for supporting and caring for the elderly through their participation in this event, which contributed to building a happy community. The WeCare Programme, which will continue with a second event in December, is designed to help strengthen the relationships between different members of the community.