Effective risk management plays an integral role in our overall success and business’s sustainability in the long run.
The Board is ultimately responsible for establishing, maintaining and overseeing appropriate and effective risk management and internal control systems. Led by the Board, Link’s three lines of defence, namely operational management, risk governance and compliance, and internal audit, co-manage and mitigate the risks associated with our business.
Audit and Risk Management Committee
Procedures and control measures have been implemented, including the creation of a corporate risk register.
Top risks and the respective changes in risk momentum are monitored by the Risk Governance team, with the corresponding departments or functions as the risk owners.
Key risk management processes are audited to ensure control improvement opportunities are timely identified and measures are readily implemented.
The Risk Management 360 (RM360) framework outlines how Link organises and applies risk management practices to ensure that all activities are conducted in line with the principles and limits mandated by the Risk Management Policy. The framework manages current and emerging risks and opportunities, as well as assessing ESG materiality.
Our risk assessment processes are designed to identify principal risks and to provide assurance that they are fully understood and management within our risk appetites. The management of risk is based on the balance between risk and rewards.
Please refer to the related section in the Annual Report for more information.
Sustainability governance framework enables us to assess and manage material environmental and social risks effectively.