We promote effective communication with our Unitholders and the wider investment community by providing equal and timely access to information about Link.
Communications with Unitholders and other stakeholders is an important component of our corporate governance framework. We proactively engage Unitholders and other stakeholders through effective channels to articulate our business objectives and progress and collect their views and suggestions.
Our Unitholder Communication Policy sets out the means by which Link promotes effective and comprehensive communications with the Unitholders and the wider investment community.
Executive directors, the management, together with the investor relations team hold regular meetings with institutional investors and analysts and participate in events organised by the investment community. The Board receives from the management regular investor relations activity reports and briefings, which include feedback from meetings with institutional investors, stockbrokers and debt investors, analysts’ forecasts, research reports, latest market developments and Link’s Unit price performance.
We also proactively engage the media and community interest groups to obtain their views and explain the activities of Link REIT. Please click here for the Unitholder Communication Policy.
The Trust Deed requires Link REIT to hold an annual general meeting of Unitholders once every year. The Trust Deed and the REIT Code also require Link REIT to hold other (or extraordinary) general meetings of Unitholders in certain specified circumstances.
A general meeting of Unitholders may be convened:
Notice convening the annual general meeting or other general meeting of Unitholders will be given to the Unitholders in accordance with the requirements of the Trust Deed, the REIT Code and the Listing Rules. Generally, two or more Unitholders present in person or by proxy registered as holding together not less than 10% of the units in issue shall form a quorum for the transaction of business at a general meeting but for passing a special resolution, the quorum shall be not less than 25%.
In accordance with the REIT Code and the Trust Deed, any resolution put to a general meeting of Unitholders shall be decided by poll except (as permitted by the Trust Deed and under waiver granted by the SFC) where the chairman of the meeting, in good faith, decides to allow a resolution which relates purely to a procedural and administrative matter to be decided by a show of hands given that such matter (i) is not on the agenda of the general meeting or in any supplemental circular to Unitholders; and (ii) relates to the chairman’s duties to maintain the orderly conduct of the meeting and/or allow the business of the meeting to be properly and effectively dealt with, whilst allowing all Unitholders a reasonable opportunity to express their views.
Unitholders may put forward a proposal to appoint, re-appoint or remove a Director. For details on the procedures for Unitholders to put forward such a proposal, please refer to the paragraph “Appointment, Removal and Re-appointment of Directors – By Unitholders” under Corporate Governance Framework.
Pursuant to the Trust Deed, each of the following matters requires specific Unitholders' approval by way of special resolution: